Outcome #6: Revision

 Finally, I believe that was able to successfully able to negotiate differences in and act with intention on feedback from readers when drafting, revising, and editing their writing. Nobody is a perfect writer, revision is a necessary component of the writing process for all writers no matter the level of expertise. Many of our assignments throughout the semester offered students a chance to submit their work for peer review, in order to possibly receive potential feedback from fellow peers. This feedback would potentially cause students to revise their work in an effort to improve upon the quality of the writing they already submitted. In addition to peer-reviews, our Major Assignments were also given feedback by our Professor, and with that feedback students were able to capitalize on the opportunity to revise and resubmit their major projects. For example, after I had submitted by Major Assignment 1: Annotated Bibliography, I received feedback from my Professor about how I could improve upon my work. I had points deducted because I did not accurately cite my sources of my secondary research articles in the proper MLA style 9th edition format. The feedback from my professor informed me of my error, and allowed the opportunity to revise if I so chose.

-This is the feedback I received from my Professor.

"Well done, Preston! Revise and resubmit with revised citations (omit numbers; replace with hanging indent), if you choose to revise this assignment. Excellent synthesis"

-As you can see he informed me of my error and allowed for revision. This allowed me to correct my error and ensure to formulate the proper citation moving forward. As you can tell by the image on the left below, the citation is not correctly formatted with the number and lack of hanging indent. The image on the right indicates the correct format of citing sources, showing the successful achievement of the revision student learning outcome.

The link to the first image is Major Writing Assignment 1.docx

The link to the second image is Major Writing Assingment 2 Research Proposal.docx