Outcome #5: Contributing Knowledge
Reflection: While working throughout this semester, I feel have successfully demonstrated the ability to draw conclusions based on analysis and interpretation of primary evidence and place that work in conversation with other source materials. One perfect representation of successfully demonstrating this ability was the completion of Major Writing Assignment #3: Scholarly Research Article. This particular article required me to analyze the data from the primary research interviews I conducted with fellow peers while researching my semester long inquiry question. While collecting primary research, I interviewed 5 of my peers (fellow college students) about the writing forms they commonly use. I also asked them if they felt today's current education system is structured in a manner that warrants technology to be the primary writing form used. I was able to gather primary evidence and determine a conclusion based on analyzing their responses. After gathering the evidence found in the primary research interviews, I analyzed the evidence and realized the primary research correlated to the research I found in the secondary research articles I used for other assignments. All of my peers/interviewees agreed that technology has played a pivotal role in the evolution and change of writing forms, allowing for technology to become the primary writing form we use today. They all also agreed that the current education system is structured in a manner that warrants technology being the primary form for students to use. Most of our work is required to be completed and submitted through various technological platforms naturally causing technology to be the primary writing form we currently use. Their answers correlated very similarly to some one of my secondary research articles ("Writing in Multimodal Texts", Bezemer, Kress) that explained how technology has both evolved writing forms and changed the way education is practiced for modern academic standards. Having research that correlated from both of my primary and secondary research allowed me to successfully draw conclusions from the evidence of both source materials.
-This quote below is a direct quote from one of my secondary research articles, explaining that technology has now become the primary form of writing students use today. The link to the full article can be find in the source citation.
"Uses and forms of writing have undergone profound changes over the last decades, which calls for a social, pedagogical, and semiotic explanation. Two trends mark that history. The digital media, rather than the (text) book, are more and more the site of appearance and distribution of learning resources, and writing is being displaced by image as the central mode for representation."
Bezemer, Jeff and Kress, Gunther. “Writing in Multimodal Texts”. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epdf/10.1177/0741088307313177 Written Communication Volume 25 Number 2, Thousand Oaks, California, Sage Publications April 2008
-The Screen shots below are the evidence I collected from the article Major Writing Assignment 3: Scholarly Research Article. The full version of Major Assignment 3 can be downloaded here: Major Writing Assignment 3.docx