Outcome #4: Research Genre Production

I believe that the work in the course has allowed me to effectively be able to produce writing that demonstrates my ability to navigate choices and constraints in a variety of public and/or academic research genres that matter to specific communities.

-For example, in the short writing assignment, Sharing Your Primary Research Plan, students were asked to present their research plans in relation to their semester long research project. Every student's project revolved was required to revolve around a line of inquiry in relation to writing, that would be types of research questions scholars in Writing Studies explore. My semester long project line of inquiry was how have writing forms changed and evolved overtime, what role has technology played in their evolution, what role does technology play in the common writing forms we use today? This line of inquiry represented my writing academic research genre, that mattered to a specific community (scholars in writing studies). This particular article asked students to give an outline for their plan as to how they were going to conduct primary research for their Major Writing Assignment 3: Scholarly Research Article. My outline consisted of my research question, statement of significance, and the research design/plan of study I wanted to use. Upon my completion of the article, I received full credit for the research genre outline, thereby proving I successfully achieved this learning outcome.

The article, Sharing Your Primary Research Plan is below. The assignment can be accessed using this link address for canvas. https://webcourses.ucf.edu/courses/1467715/assignments/8608023/submissions/4420799 


-Sharing Your Primary Research Plan

Project Title: The Evolution of Writing Forms

Research Question(s): How have writing forms changed overtime, and what role has the advancement of technology played in its evolution?

Statement of Significance: Throughout human history, writing forms have constantly changed and evolved paving the way for the creation of the forms we see and use in our everyday lives. I care about this research because of it's practicality, the average person uses a wide variety of different types of writing forms every single day. Having an understanding of how writing forms have changed as well as the role technology plays in writing today, demonstrates the more efficient means of today's communication, and may even offer a potential outlook of how writing forms may be impacted in our future. For example, technology is constantly becoming more and more advanced, that is the reason why technology use is so common in today's writing forms. As technology continues to adapt and become more evolved, so may the changes and evolution in the writing forms we will use later on in our lives.

Research Design/Study:

1. Research scholarly articles pertaining to the topic of the evolution of writing forms, ideally five articles will be used but more may be included. Connect the articles that relate to one another to provide more in depth research, specifically about how writing forms have changed overtime, how technology has impacted the forms we use today, and how technology may affect the writing forms people use moving forward.

2. Ask to interview fellow peers about their use of writing forms and which forms they use the most often. The type of peers being referred to will be my fellow college students. Ideally 5-7 peers will be interviewed.

3. Use secondary research articles as inspiration for interview questions. Interview questions should focus on common causes of change stated in articles. For example, every article will pertain to the evolution of writing, but some may focus more on how technology has caused change in today's writing forms. The questions asked in the interview will ask peers to state their opinion about the use of technology in writing forms, is the use of technology common in their writing forms, do deem it practical as opposed to other forms, do they feel technology based writing forms make them better writers, and do they think technology will change the way writing forms are conducted in the future.

4. With the permission of those being interviewed, results will be recorded for research and data will be depicted.