Outcome #3: Information Literacy

While working through this course this semester, I feel that I've been able to effectively evaluate and act on criteria for relevance, credibility, and ethics when gathering, analyzing, and presenting primary and secondary source materials.

- One example that demonstrates how I successfully achieved this student learning outcome was by completing Major Assignment 2: Research Proposal. The Research Proposal required students to provide a research plan that incorporated research from both the secondary sources we collected, as well as our plan for how we were to conduct gathering our primary research as well. For example, when gathering information from secondary sources, it was important to ensure the inclusions of an MLA style Works Cited or citation page. The ability to present the sources one used when conducting research is crucial, it allows the audience to see the information being presented is credible and potentially allows readers to view the location of the full source as well. At the end of Major Writing Assignment 2, I included a works cited page with all five of my secondary research article sources. This would allow my readers to know the information presented is factual, and allow viewership of the full article as well. For the primary research, the proposal required our plan of how we were to gather our data. In my proposal, I explained how I was going to conduct interviews with my peers (fellow college students), but only if they were willing to participate in the interview and ensured they would remain anonymous. Willing participation in the interview and allowing the opportunity of remaining anonymous, is an effective demonstration of meeting the criteria for conducting ethical interviews. Once the ethical interviews were conducted, I would be able to review the results from the interview and effectively analyze the data presented. This would allow me to evaluate whether or not the research from both the primary and secondary sources compared with one another. 

-The images below are from Major Writing Assignment 2: Research Proposal. The first image depicts the work cited page from the project which meets the criteria for credibility. The second image has a highlighted section, that section reads, "Peers will only be interviewed if they desire to participate in the study and will have the opportunity to remain anonymous to ensure the interview remains ethically confidential if they so choose." This ensures that the project will meet the criteria of engaging in ethical primary research interviews, in order to effectively evaluate and analyze the data that will be presented. The full article can be downloaded here. Major Writing Assingment 2 Research Proposal.docx