Outcome #1: Generating Inquiry


Reflection: Throughout the course of the semester, I feel that I've been able to successfully demonstrate the ability to generate and explore genuine lines of inquiry related to writing, language, literacy, and/or rhetoric. One example of successfully being able to demonstrate exploration for lines of inquiry, was my completion of the article Major Writing Assignment #1: Annotated Bibliography.  This particular assignment asked me to conduct secondary research and find scholarly articles that answered an inquiry question of my choosing. The research from these articles were to be used to construct an annotated bibliography. The particular line of inquiry I chose to research was how have writing forms changed overtime, and how has technology played a role in their evolution? What impact or role does technology play in the writing forms we consistently use today? When researching the line of inquiry, I found multiple scholarly research articles explaining how writing forms have changed and evolved overtime. The five articles I used focused on two main points. The first group of scholarly articles explained how writing forms have evolved from ancient human civilizations and included images of examples of ancient writing methods. Many ancient societies used carvings of stone tablets to trade amongst one another, or used picture based writing to transfer messages such as Egyptian hieroglyphics. The second group of scholarly articles explained the impact and role technology has played in the evolution of writing forms. These articles primarily focused on student education and how technology has become the primary writing mode for a large majority of students in todays academic system. Using information from the articles I was able to identify the research to use for my annotated bibliography, and to answer my line of inquiry. I formulated annotations based on research gathered from the articles 

-The images attached below are from the article Major Assignment 1:  Annotated Bibliography. They are some examples of my annotations from the secondary research articles that answer my line of inquiry. The full form of Major Assignment one can be downloaded here. Major Writing Assignment 1.docx